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September 14, 2022 Webinar - Whole Blood Transfusion

  • Wednesday, September 14, 2022
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Online
  • 73


  • Includes access to all four sessions for current webinar series - do not need to register individually for other sessions in the series
  • Includes access to all four sessions for current webinar series - do not need to register individually for other sessions in the series

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Wednesday, September 14, 2022 / 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT

Title: Whole Blood Transfusion


Ghazala Nathu, MD, MS, PhD, FACB
Clinical Pathology Molecular Director Laboratory Services
Bassett Healthcare Network – Cobleskill Regional Hospital

Whole blood is the preferred product for resuscitation of severe traumatic hemorrhage.  It contains all the elements of blood that are necessary for oxygen delivery and hemostasis, in nearly physiologic ratios and concentrations.  Group O whole blood that contains low titers of anti-A and anti-B antibodies (low titer group O whole blood) can be safely transfused as a universal blood product to patients of unknown blood group, facilitating rapid treatment of exsanguinating patients.  Whole blood can be stored under refrigeration for up to 35 days, during which it retains acceptable hemostatic function, though supplementation with specific blood components, coagulation factors or other adjuncts may be necessary in some patients.  Fresh whole blood can be collected from pre-screened donors in a walking blood bank to provide effective resuscitation when fully tested stored whole blood or blood components are unavailable and the need for transfusion is urgent.  Available clinical data suggest that whole blood is at least equivalent if not superior to component therapy in the resuscitation of life-threatening hemorrhage.  Low titer group O whole blood can be considered the standard of care in resuscitation of major hemorrhage and shortage of blood supply.

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Ghazala Nathu is currently a licensed practicing Medical/Molecular Pathology Director in New York and New Jersey.  She has a COQ-Certification of Qualification as a Laboratory Director from the New York State Department of Health in the following categories: Molecular/Genetic Testing limited to Molecular Pathology, Oncology, Molecular and Cellular Tumor Markers, Cellular Immunology Malignant, Non Malignant Leukocyte Immunophenotyping, Bacteriology, Blood pH and Gases, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Toxicology, Diagnostic Immunology, Endocrinology, Hematology, Immunohematology, Parasitology, Molecular testing in pharmacogenomics, Ther. Sub. Mon,/ Quant. Tox. (Oncology), and Virology in the Clinical Pathology setting.  Dr. Nathu is also a NYSDOH Tissue Bank Compliance Officer in the following categories: Musculoskeletal tissue, Skin tissue, and Amniotic Fluid Membrane.  She has developed and taught medical science courses, as well as participated in online courses during her graduate studies; affording her a depth and breadth of experience with this challenging and exciting technologic learning medium.  Dr. Nathu has over 30 years of experience as a health care professional educator at the college level, first at Albany Medical College, Albany College of Pharmacy and then at Hudson Valley Community College, Bryant and Stratton College, and Mildred Elley.  She is an assistant professor at College of Pharmacy and also has over 30 years’ experience in clinical pathology in base labs, doctors offices, and hospital settings.  Dr. Nathu is currently a Medical/Molecular Director at the Cobleskill Regional Hospital, Clinical Director at Fast Medical Reference Lab Medical lab, and Assistant Medical at ATVIVO Medical Lab.  She is currently a board member for Emergency Medicine/Transfusion/Pharmacy Medicine for CRH, and BBANYS Educational Committee Member.


The learner will be able to: 

  1. Identify integral part of medical treatment.
  2. Identify various types of blood and blood products and the reasons for their administration to a patient Safe delivery.
  3. Identify the risks of blood transfusion.
  4. Identify the essential steps necessary in the safe administration of blood and blood products to a patient.
  5. Identify the benefits/risk of whole blood.


Financial: Dr. Nathu does not have any relevant financial disclosures.

Non-Financial: Dr. Nathu does not have any relevant non-financial disclosures.


  • Members: FREE (Registration is required.)
  • Non-Members: $45 per session & $130 entire series
  • Institutions: $75 per session & $200 entire series

To receive member pricing, be sure to sign in.


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